Oct 13, 2015

Nnamdi Kanu has been declared the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) world wide

Following the struggles of the Indigenous Peoples Of Biafra and their recognition by United Nation, Biafran Times reports that On the 26th of September 2015, the International Conference of Indigenous People held at L.Ron Hubbard Foundation Hall, 8039 S.Vermout Avenue,Los Angeles,California, recognized Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu as the representative of Biafrans seeking for self-determination.

IPOB was represented by Ikenna Nwanonenyi,  Mazi Chris Ogwo, Goddy Ajih and Felix Nwosu. The epoch making convention had in attendance the Indigenous People of Alaska, Biafra, Zapatico, Terasco, Native America, Columbiano, Peru, Iraq, Mexico, Chaldeans, Chiapas and Mayans.

The movement was also represented by Mazi Ikenna Nwanonenyi, Deputy COC and Mobilization Officer on behalf of Indigenous People Of Biafra received an award and also signed two important documents which will be submitted to the United Nations. Thereof are:http://abacityblog.com/2015/10/nnamdi-kanu-has-been-declared-the-leader-of-indigenous-people-of-biafra-ipob-world-wide/