Oct 15, 2015

Port Harcourt Under Heavy Gun Battle.... Diamond Bank Invaded

RAKING NEWS!!!  Heavy Gun Battle in Port Harcourt; Diamond Bank Under Attack breakingSeveral sources are reporting a heavy gun battle going on in Port Harcourt.  One source said:  “Just over 20 minutes ago, daredevil armed bandits have just stormed the Diamond Bank branch leaving in their trail gunshots and have passed through the Elekahia link road towards stadium road in their getaway SUV’s 3 in number. According to another source:  “Heavy gunshot in stadium road elekahia axis.  Gunmen Robbed diamond bank at trans amadi(ordinance) riding in three SUV. headed straight into elekahia estate and into stadium junction. with lots and lots of gunshot to clear their way, cant tell if they met any resisitance from men of elekahia police station as i was busy taking cover in a nearby gutter. These robbers are bold, even the road block set up on the road leading to the estate was like a childs play to these guys. http://www.igberetvnews.com/?p=17579